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Recent Updates

In addition to, and in some cases, in line with global events presently taking place, 

Watershed Counseling has had some important updates to share...

Transition to Telehealth

As an essential service provider, I have continued seeing clients throughout this period. Like numerous other health professionals acting to reduce the spread of COVID-19, I have fully transitioned my practice to telehealth until recommendations for social distancing have been lifted.

Despite my own initial reservations and the occasional connection hiccup, I have found telehealth sessions to be very successful overall, and am inspired by my clients’ and colleagues’ flexibility, creativity and commitment to embarking on new ways of coming together.

Find out more about the two HIPAA-compliant platforms being used by Watershed Counseling:

SimplePractice Telehealth and

Finally! Watershed Counseling Now Accepting 

CareFirst Insurance

With Watershed Counseling now officially listed as an in network provider with CareFirst (BlueCross BlueShield), clients with this insurance will be able to pay for counseling using this method. 

Feel free to contact your insurance company for information related to your specific plan or 

email Rebekah at with questions.

Flexible Counseling Arrangements During COVID-19

Recognizing that COVID-19-related challenges faced by each of us are unique, I aim to do what I can to continue meeting the needs of all my clients. For instance, for clients who may have limited time or privacy (with multiple family members working or schooling from home), I have offered shorter sessions to clients at a pro-rated cost. 

Likewise, for those clients who may be facing financial hardships, I am willing to be as flexible as possible with regards to payments during this time, if it means individuals are able to continue receiving the support they need. 

If you have had a change in circumstances and are concerned about paying for your sessions, 

please reach out to discuss with Rebekah at

List of COVID-19 Resources

I myself am shocked with the sheer number of resources that are flooding my inbox – hopeful, yes, that there is so much available to guide us in this time of uncertainty, but also overwhelmed with knowing where to go and who to believe. 

I have added an additional page to the website to featuring COVID-19 resources that I feel could be particularly helpful at this time.

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